Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Russian Police Faces.............ha ha ha ha

In Russia police is not respected by citizens. People simply doesn’t love policemen and often don’t go to police for the help. And police pays back – they often break the laws themselves and policemen behave in not proper way.

There is a lot of police on the street of Russia, one of the reasons is high crime rate, another reason is possibly the belief of authorities that if they have a numerous police at their disposal they can prevent any civil unrest.

Because the police is huge in personnel they often hire people without a proper education to serve in police, just like in 3rd world countries, people without high moral principles and understanding that if they serve as policemen they should serve and protect. Often they do absolutely contrary things. There is a Russian joke: a young man went to work as a policeman, but has not received his salary for quite a long period ............

So if you go travel to Russia this is a short map of the policemen you might meet.Everybody is admired by the beauty of Russian girls. Even Russian cops. Even Russian dog!

May I take a little nap please?

As it was said the shots are from Moscow, a lot of nice cars are there.

Some sort of drunk incident?

Some bad news?

This is a winter outfit of some higher Police officer. The left one.

Can I help you madam?

This is the example of a Southerner so hated by some Moscow dwellers.


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