Friday, October 24, 2008

Open Your Eyes's Interests 4

“ May the Divine Light of Deepavali Spread into your Life Peace, Prosperity, Happiness and Good Health. Advance Happy Deepavali ”

Do not cling
Surrender and let go

People that are time constrained can never relax. They are always in a hurry. Absolutely nothing has to be done to relax but relaxation is a problem. In the mind it is translated as if some effort is to be made. Language gives this appearance but for you to relax no effort at all is to be made. Language is a problem. There are certain things which language always expresses wrongly. For example, relaxation: if I say relax, then too it becomes an effort and you will ask, “How to relax?” With how you miss the point. You cannot ask “How?” Then you are asking for technique, and asking will create effort and the effort will create tension. You are the technique itself, relaxation is nothing that can be done, it is what you are. So to relax you don’t have to do anything at all, it is mindlessness. Mindlessness is not doing. Egolessness, relaxation is Wu-Wei. You can’t do anything. If you think you can do something than it is still ego. Don’t do anything, just relax and in that relaxation timelessness, is. A man who is very much time-conscious is going to be hurried in everything he does with the “time is money” mentality but if you just get absorbed in anything at all that you do than there is no more past and no more future and then love is because you as an I are no more and only the other is.
Most time-conscious people are power hungry people that are constantly striving for more instead of cherishing what they have. In not wanting anything you get everything; the inexpressible tranquility. When we were all children we didn’t really want anything, we were too busy playing, not really doing much, just totally absorbed in the moment. Returning to the child is taking on life in a playful attitude thus enjoying each and every moment; this is ecstasy. Ecstasy is our true state, it is infinitely powerful yet it is totally helpless, it is love. Love is the power but you cannot ask, “How do I love?” because you truly are love and in reality there is no I. No effort is to be made to love, it is total helplessness. In that helplessness, in knowing that nothing can be truly done is renunciation, surrender, total power, infinite pureness, compassion, Kali. She is the wave of life one must be carried by. Do not fight the wave, do not struggle against it but instead flow with the wave and in that flow, in that absorption there is no more tension because you are surrendered and it is in that deep acceptance with existence, that ineffable openness that you realize that you are just going along for the beautiful ride and that the wave in its entirety is one with the ocean.

According to the Secret Doctrine, the Mother is together with the male only when the house is in readiness and at that time the male and the female are conjoined. At such times, blessings are showered forth by the Mother upon them. The Mother is found together with the male only when the house is in readiness and the male goes in to the female and they conjoin together.God blessed them and gave them Adam as their name.

Adam is male and female united as one.

Adam is the androgyne, the Tantric Ardhanari.

The birth of Eve is the fall of Sophia and the illusory separation. The parting of the primeval Androgen in two beings, the male being separated from the female is the illusion. Only through Her can Unity be attained.
There is a thing inherent and natural,
Which existed before Heaven and Earth.
Motionless and fathomless,
It stands alone and never changes;
It pervades everywhere and never becomes exhausted.
It may be regarded as the Mother of the Universe.
The Serpent is a symbol of Sophia; Wisdom
The Serpent is Eve; God
The Serpent is the Eternal Feminine; Kali
The Serpent is Kundalini
The Serpent is Woman
Eat the Apple
The Fruit of Knowledge
Be transformed beyond
Good and evil
Faith transformed into experience is Gnosis
Her thighs are luxuriant as dark green plantain trees,
Her navel deep as a reservoir.
Her high breasts brim with the nectar of wisdom and compassion,
Enhancing the startling beauty of Her form.
Heavenly and earthly beings alike drink this nectar in sheer delight.
She is the very sustenance of Existence.
I am transported into Ecstasy!
I am absorbed utterly!
Unimaginable and inconceivable is Her beauty!
She is the infinite dream power of Reality.
She is the dynamic play of Pure Consciousness.
Goddess play is inconceivability.
O sisters and brothers,
Struggle to fathom Her with every fiber of mental energy.
Your intelligence will be purified but you will never comprehend my Mother.
She who cannot be comprehended by any system of philosophy,
Who is beyond cosmic science,
Who transcends even the Secret Teaching.
Do I dare disclose Her secret?
She has become my very body!
Even this is only a hint, O mind.
There is nothing apart from Her reality.

(coming soon........)

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