Tuesday, July 1, 2008

What a sleeping position can say about a couple

First row:
1. - couples, where the woman depends on her man
2. - older man / very young girl couples
3. - after having an argument
Second row:
4. - after a long day at work.
5. - their relationship is in peril
6. - they trust each other.

Both you and your partner lie on your sides, facing same direction and touching
- The many forms of contact indicate a sense of closeness, security and comforting- like a cocoon.
- High on the intimacy scale - and because you’re both in the fetal position of sorts it shows a willingness to expose your vulnerabilities to your other half.
- Variations to the traditional spoon include when there is slightly more space between the two of you but you’re still “emotionally” and physically linked by certain body parts like an arm or leg.
- The one on the outside is usually the more dominant and sees the other as needing nurturing - but, there’s also analysis that suggests whoever is holding the other the tightest is the less confident of the two.

Frontal Embrace
Both facing each other, faces close, intertwined arms and legs.
- Full-on position which shows your “desperation” to be near each other- ie. you can’t bear to be part.
- Usually occurs during the very beginning of relationship or during periods of intense passion.
- Can also show dependency and some find it stifling.
- There are also problems associated with restriction to the blood flow in your arm.
- Demonstrates lust for each other - able to put up with morning breath etc.

Snuggled up

One partner lies sprawled on their back, whilst the other snuggles up
- The one lying on their back is said to be the more dominant of the two of you, whilst the one snuggling up is said to be submitting to this dominance or craving attention.
- If this is an occasional position or you swap between who lies on their back you can be said to be a flirty couple and one who likes to change the roles within the relationship.
- Can occur during traumatic times, with one party providing a sense of comfort and safety for the other.

Leg Connection
You both lie on back, stomach, or sides but remain connected by a leg
- Can indicate shyness or people that have trouble expressing obvious affection - ie the sign of affection or contact occurs by “accident”.
- But, is rated as one of the healthiest coupledom sleeping positions because it can also can show a sense of comfort, confidence in each other, familiarity and sense of healthy independence- able to do your own thing and have your own space.
- Also signifies a strong friendship element in the relationship and the below the hip contact is indicative of a practical layer to your relationship.
- Can occur after a fight - sneaking the leg over can be a sign of a truce.

You both sleep separately, on different sides of the bed, no contact
- Can indicate independence again, is not always a bad thing- ie you start the night together but drift off in order to get a better sleep. Some people can’t handle being held while sleeping and need their total space.
- However, if this is how you start and end the night, with no contact whatsoever then it can be indicative of some problems.
- Possible causes may be to do with the relationship, a fight etc or specific to the individual ie, stress, anxiety, grief, or a retreat from annoying habits such as snoring, grinding teeth, kicking out etc

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